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Today in Medieval History
Poster: Mark Mettler <mettler@bulloch.net>
Good Day! June 14, Monday
Happy Birthday to:
In 1559 Ferdinand, archduke (Austria)/mayor (Bohemia)
On this day...
In 0510 Rome becomes a republic (one suggested date) (BCE)
In 0847 Death of St. Methodius of Constantinople
In 1144 Consecration of Notre Dame, Paris
In 1170 Coronation of Henry III as King of England
In 1191 Phillip II of France orders a general assault on Acre. It
In 1272 Founding of Gouda, Holland
In 1325 Ibn Batuta leaves Tangier to make Pilgrimage to Mecca.
He does not return for twenty-nine years.
In 1334 The Mongol Khatun (Princess) Bayalun journeys to
In 1349 Gunther Van Schwarzburg, German anti-king
In 1497 Murder of Duke of Gandia
In 1535 Karel V's fleet sails under Andrea Doria to Tunis
In 1541 Duke Willem van Gulik of Gelre marries Jeanne d'Albret
In 1565 Catharina de Medici & Duke of Alva discuss Calvinism
In 1574 Henry of Valois, King of Poland, flees his Kingdom
In 1594 Death of Orlando de Lassus, composer
In 1597 Willem Barents leaves Novaya Zemlya for Netherlands
In 1623 1st breach-of-promise lawsuit: Rev Gerville Pooley, Va files
against Cicely Jordan, he loses (And America becomes the lawyers dream!)
In 1634 Russia & Poland sign Peace treaty of Polianov
In 1642 1st compulsory education law in America
passed, by Massachusetts
In 1645 Battle at Naseby Leicester: Army under Oliver Cromwell &
Thomas Fairfax beats royalists
In 1646 ORBETELLO (French fleet defeated by Spanish
Gryffri de Newmarch
Chronicler of Forth Castle - http://www2.gasou.edu/SCA/chronicler
of the Southern Creative Anachronists - http://www2.gasou.edu/SCA
Keeper of the Book - http://www2.gasou.edu/SCA/newmarchbook
"il est bon de frotter et limer notre cervelle contre celle d'autrui."
It is good to rub and polish our mind against those of others.
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