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Today in Medieval History

Poster: Mark Mettler <mettler@bulloch.net>

Good Gryffri!  Tuesday June 15 already!

Happy Birthday to...
   In 1221 Frederik II, [Strijdbare], duke of Austria
   In 1330 Edward, "the Black Prince"
   In 1542 Richard Grenville, English parliament leader/vice-admiral
   In 1605 Thomas Randolph, English poet, dramatist
   In 1623 Cornelis de Witt, Dutch statesman (Chatham)
   In 1636 Johann David Mayer, composer
   In 1638 Samuel Apostool, Dutch vicar/theologist (The Sun)

On this day...
   Sanno Matsuri - Shinto festival honoring the mountain god Sanno
  In 0844 Coronation of Louis II as King of Italy
  In 0923 SOISSONS (Robert I's rebels defeat Charles "The Simple)
  In 0923 Robert I, Usurper of the French Crown, killed in battle with
the real King, Charles "The Simple"   In 0960 Death of St. Edburga of
  In 0948 Romanus I Lecapenus, Armenian emperor of Byzantium (919-44),
  In 0991 Theophano, German Empress/wife of Emperor Otto II, dies
  In 1094 Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar [El Cid] occupies Valencia on the Moren
  In 1184 King Magnus V of Norway defeated by Sverre, his rival
  In 1215 - King John signs Magna Carta at Runnymede, England
  In 1219 REVAL (Danes defeat Estonians; origin of Danish flag)
  In 1246 Death of Leopold VI, last Babenburg ruler of Austro-Hungary
  In 1301 Coronation of Charles I, King of Hungary
  In 1341 Andronicus III Paleologus, Byzantine emperor (1328-41), dies
  In 1381 Death of Wat Tyler; end of Wat Tyler's Rebellion
  In 1383 Johannes Cantacuzenus, Byzantium emperor(1341-54)/monk, dies
  In 1389 Battle of Kossovo; Turks defeat Serbs, Bosnians (What goes
around comes around!)
  In 1397 Death of the Compte d'Ecu
  In 1389 1st KOSSOVO (Serbian nobility all but wiped out by Ottomans)
  In 1389 Murad I, Osmaans sultan, dies in battle and Lazar I, Serbian
prince, dies in battle
  In 1397 Count of Eu, French knight, dies in Turkish captivity
  In 1467 Charles "the Bold" becomes Duke of Burgundy
  In 1520 Pope Leo X condemns Luther's 95 Theses
  In 1557 death of Sebastiaan Van Noyen, military master builder
  In 1567 Battle at Carberry Scot: Protestant troops beat Earl Bothwells
  In 1567 Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, surrenders to the Lords
  In 1590 Pope Leo X threatens to excommunicate Martin Luther
  In 1601 Death of St. Germaine of Pibrac
  In 1607 James Fort, in Jamestown, finished
  In 1626 Charles I prorogues his second Parliament
  In 1643 Able Tasmania returns to Batavia after discovering Tasmania
  In 1648 Margaret Jones, of Charlestown, 1st woman executed as a witch
          in Massachusetts Bay Colony, is put to death

Gryffri de Newmarch
Chronicler of Forth Castle - http://www2.gasou.edu/SCA/chronicler
of the Southern Creative Anachronists - http://www2.gasou.edu/SCA
Keeper of the Book - http://www2.gasou.edu/SCA/newmarchbook

"il est bon de frotter et limer notre cervelle contre celle d'autrui."
It is good to rub and polish our mind against those of others.

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