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Today in Medieval History

Poster: Mark Mettler <mettler@bulloch.net>

Hump Day! June 16th

Happy Birthday to...
   In 1583 Axel Gustafson Oxenstierna, Swedish earl/chancellor/regent
   In 1637 Giovanni Paulo Colonna, composer
   In 1644 Princess Henrietta of England

On this day...
   In 1216 Pope Innocent III dies
   In 1246 Death of St. Lutgard
   In 1282 LLANDEILO (English defeated by Welsh)
   In 1373 Anglo-Portuguese Treaty of Alliance
           (world's oldest) signed, London
   In 1434 LIPAN (Taborites defeated)
   In 1456 The 25 year old judgement of heresy against
           Jeanne d'Arc annulled
   In 1464 Death of Rogier Vander Weyden
   In 1483 Imprisonment of the Two Princes in the Tower (England)
   In 1487 STOKES (Defeat of Lambert Simnel, and death of John de la
           Earl of Lincoln, by Henry VII, King of England)
   In 1492 Flemish rebel leader Jan Coppenhole is beheaded
   In 1497 The body of Juan Borgia is recovered from the Tiber river
   In 1567 Mary, Queen of Scots, imprisoned in Lochleven Castle prison
   In 1602 Bartholomew Gosnold gives up his
           colonization efforts in New England
   In 1641 Death of John Suckling

Gryffri de Newmarch
Chronicler of Forth Castle - http://www2.gasou.edu/SCA/chronicler
of the Southern Creative Anachronists - http://www2.gasou.edu/SCA
Keeper of the Book - http://www2.gasou.edu/SCA/newmarchbook

"il est bon de frotter et limer notre cervelle contre celle d'autrui."
It is good to rub and polish our mind against those of others.

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