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Re: Woad

Poster: "H L. Falls" <hlf@holmes.acc.virginia.edu>

> Poster: Betty Eyer <betty_eyer@yahoo.com>
> Are you looking to dye cloth, paint people, grow it, or what?  I have
> done some of the above, and can point you to some references.  But
> first, where did you get it?
> Magdalena
Milady, if you are inquiring as to a source for woad (or even if you're
not, but someone else may want to know! :) try Garden Medicinals and 
Culinaries -- http://www.gardenmedicinals.com/  This is the herbal 
division of Southern Exposure Seed Exchange in Earlysville, VA (near
Charlottesville), and they do list woad in their catalog.

Hope this helps!

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