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RE: Fw: Proposed Bill 602P

Poster: Juliet Carnell <Juliet.Carnell@andusa.com>


This is a hoax that began circulating in Canada around April 1st of this
year. It has recently been Americanized and is finding new life south of
the border. None of the relevant facts listed are true (bill number,
rep. name, etc.). There is plenty of documentation to be found on the
web to debunk this, not to mention that such a scheme would be virtually
impossible to implement and enforce. Relax good gentles, your e-mail
continues to breath free!

Juliet Carnell ( a.k.a. Glainfach of Lochmere )

111 Market Place, Suite 1070
Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 21037
(410)659-0228  FAX: (410)659-1288

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-atlantia@csc.ncsu.edu [mailto:owner-atlantia@csc.ncsu.edu]On
Behalf Of Lisa Brennan-Webb
Sent: Monday, June 14, 1999 2:01 PM
To: atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
Subject: Fwd: Fw: Proposed Bill 602P

Poster: Lisa Brennan-Webb <lisarowan@yahoo.com>

Good gentles, I apologize for the OOP nature of this
post- if such offends you, pray delete now...
This posting alarmed me as I fear it would endanger
the very list I post it upon, as well as all of our
other e-communications, and hopefully we can band
together to do something about this...Elspeth of
Harilow, Barony of Marinus                            

> Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 08:18:03 -0500
> Subject: Fw:  Proposed Bill 602P
> > ---------------------
> > > << Dear Internet Subscriber:
> > >  > >
> > >  > >    Please read the following carefully if
> you intend to
> > >  > >    stay online and continue using email:
> The last few
> > >  > >    months have revealed an alarming trend
> in the
> > >  > >    Government of the United States
> attempting to quietly
> > >  > >    push through legislation that will
> affect your use of
> > >  > >    the Internet. Under proposed legislation
> the U.S.
> > >  > >    Postal Service will be attempting to
> bilk email users
> > >  > >    out of "alternate postage fees". Bill
> 602P will permit
> > >  > >    the Federal Govt to charge a 5 cent
> surcharge on
> > >  > >    every email delivered, by billing
> Internet Service
> > >  > >    Providers at source. The consumer would
> then be
> > >  > >    billed in turn by the ISP. Washington
> D.C. lawyer
> > >  > >    Richard Stepp is
> > >  > >    working without pay to prevent this
> legislation from
> > >  > >    becoming law. The U.S. Postal Service is
> claiming that
> > >  > >    lost revenue due to the proliferation of
> email is
> > >  > >    costing nearly $230,000,000 in revenue
> per year. You
> > >  > >    may have noticed their recent ad
> campaign "There is
> > >  > >    nothing like a letter". Since the
> average citizen
> > >  > >    received about 10 pieces of email per
> day in 1998, the
> > >  > >    cost to the typical individual would be
> an additional
> > >  > >    50 cents per day, or over $180 dollars
> per year, above
> > >  > >    and beyond their regular Internet costs.
> Note that
> > >  > >    this would be money paid directly to the
> U.S. Postal
> > >  > >    Service for a service they do not even
> provide. The
> > >  > >    whole point of the Internet is democracy
> and
> > >  > >    non-interference. If the federal
> government is
> > >  > >    permitted to tamper with our
> > >  > >    liberties by adding a surcharge to
> email, who knows
> > >  > >    where it will end. You are already
> paying an
> > >  > >    exorbitant price for snail mail because
> of bureacratic
> > >  > >    efficiency. It currently takes up to 6
> days for a
> > >  > >    letter to be
> > >  > >    delivered from New York to Buffalo. If
> the U.S. Postal
> > >  > >    Service is allowed to tinker with email,
> it will mark
> > >  > >    the end of the "free" Internet in the
> United States.
> > >  > >    One congressman, Tony Schnell (r) has
> even suggested a
> > >  > >    "twenty to forty dollar per month
> surcharge on all
> > >  > >    Internet service" above and beyond the
> government's
> > >  > >    proposed email charges. Note that most
> of the major
> > >  > >    newspapers have ignored the story, the
> only exception
> > >  > >    being the Washingtonian which called the
> idea of email
> > >  > >    surcharge "a useful concept who's time
> has come"
> > >  > >    March 6th 1999 Editorial) Don't sit by
> and watch your
> > >  > >    freedoms erode away!
> > >  > >
> > >  > >    Send this email to all Americans on your
> list and tell
> > >  > >    your friends and relatives to write to
> their
> > >  > >    congressman and say "No!" to Bill 602P.
> > >  > >
> > >  > >    Kate Turner Assistant to Richard Stepp,
> Berger, Stepp and
> > >  > > Gorman
> > >  > >    Attorneys at Law 216 Concorde Street,
> Vienna, Va.
> > >  >  >>
> > >
> > >
> > > -----------------
> > > Forwarded Message:
> > >

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