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French to English translation

Poster: Mark Mettler <mettler@bulloch.net>

I finally am able to document my name today!
I cna't read the stuff in the article, so I'm woundering f maybe someone
might be able to
translate it, or the important parts, since it's so long, for me?
OK here is the translation, hope it helps you with your name:

It is among the great families of Gascogne a famous line in the history
of our country: lords of Roquelaure. Most notorious of its
representatives is without question Antoine de Roquelaure which was the
friend and the faithful companion of the king Henri IV. He was not
particularly spoiled by the historians who devoted themselves to the
great families of the Gascon history and rather paradoxically it is
through the life of good king Henri that are known the projecting facts
which illustrated there life of Antoine de Roquelaure.

One remains indeed enough astonished, when one undertakes of speaking
about this character who was not a minor not to find in the sources of
documentation that one can consult in our area only one biography

Those which ventured in this search find the trace of a significant
biographical study which was published in the last century, but enough
étrangement it misses our public libraries and cannot thus provide
matter to a somewhat coherent note on the life of Antoine de Roquelaure.

very close of we, it there have a ten of year, a érudite gersoié, Madam
Gabrielle Saint Martin's day, have devote a study strongly document of
more than three hundred page with family and with village of Roquelaure,
but in this very provided compilation, one hardly finds more than three
pages devoted to the biography of the lord of Roquelaure. One will have
thus to be satisfied not to approach this character who was in his time
so significant only in one fragmentary and thus incomplete way.

The chronicles are dumb on the childhood of this young lord. They say to
us simply that his/her father intended it at the ecclesiastical state
but that this prospect hardly smiled to the young man of a naturalness
rather fighter who very quickly affirmed a distinct preference for
soldiering. With died his father, into 1557, it inherits the quality of
lord of Longard and will be put at the service of its suzerain de
Bourbon, count d' Armagnac and king de Navarre. Its career had started
with the service of king de France in the capacity as junior in the
Guards controlled by duke of Épernon and it had become one of the young
favourites of the king Henri 111. But its attachment in its Gascogne
native brought back it out of ground Bearnaise sauce to put itself at
the service of the family of Navarre. Jeanne d' Albret holds this young
person and beautiful Gascon lord in high regard and with the death of
her husband, Antoine of Bourbon, it gave him part of the stronghold of
Roquelaure which the crown of Navarre had and attached it to his/her
Henri son who came at nine years to inherit the royal responsibility in

Antoine de Roquelaure is eighteen years old hardly and young king Henri
will know quickly to assess the qualities of this companion shining,
faithful and entirely devoted to its king to the side of which it will
behave all its life like an elder brother, assisting it and protecting
it throughout its tumultuous existence. One of the first projecting
facts of Antoine de Roquelaure who will be retained by the history is
the rocambolesque escape from young king Henri maintained under house
arrest in Paris by Catherine de Médicis. The business occurs little from
time after SaintBarthélémy. Henri, accompanied by the troop by his
gentlemen, It is assembled " to Paris for his marriage with Marguerite
de Valoi. Become the son-in-law of Catherine and the brother-in-law of
the king, it is not free any more of its movements and the Queen Mother
intends to keep close to her a son-in-law so close to the Protestants
who could be used like means of pressure or exchange. Very supervised,
its freedom of movement is narrowly controlled.

Our proud and independent Béarnais could not support this setting in
supervision a long time. One left him the possibility of devoting
oneself to his favorite sport, the hunt; it will benefit from it to
escape and reconquer its whole freedom. With a small group of its
faithful, in particular Grammont, of Épernon and, of course, Roquelaure,
it organizes its business with discretion and a day, simulating a
shooting party with his companions, it pricks of both towards the south
as soon as it reached the guardian forest. After a epic ride, it manages
to reach the area of Turns where its security will not be threatened any
more. Although one has few details on the organization of this escape,
one can think that essential Roquelaure took part narrowly in the
installation of logistics and the execution of the project.

After this equipped, Henri will settle for several years with Nérac. He
was appointed governor of Guyenne and the geographical situation of
Nérac is appropriate perfectly for the tasks of monitoring and
administration of the territory which are from now on them his.
Roquelaure forms obviously part of the group of the close friends who
surround and advise the king. The life at the court of Nérac is merry
and brilliant, Tout as much as its king, Antoine de Roquelaure is large
admirateur of the fair sex and this brilliant man and tempting, carrying
beautiful, has nothing to envy his/her friend the Gallant Green as
regards female successes. But for as brilliant and pleasant as that is
to say the life at the court, the cross-pieces and the obstacles are
also centred there and the galantery must sometimes yield the place to
the acts of bravery. Most known and more perilous of these warlike
episodes is the famous business of Eauze where Roquelaure had the
occasion to be emphasized and undoubtedly, with a very small handle of
companions, to save life with its king. The city éluzate belonged to
king de Navarre but the League had gained heats in favour in the place,
with such sign that it had refused to receive the garrison that Henri
wanted to install there. It thus decided to use of surprise to put Eauze
at the reason. Having made adorn hunting clothes over the armours, it
was presented with a group of gentlemen to a defended gate of the city.
One opens to them without difficulty but, hardly are in the place which
the king is recognized. Alarm is given at once and, before all the troop
is inside, one shouts with the guard: Cut leu toun rast! Toun Rey is
there! " " At once the harrow falls down behind the entered first which
are found taken like rats in the bow net... In one feverish thrashing,
the arquebuses release their salvo but it should be believed that these
artillerists miss drive or at the very least of coolness. By miracle the
projectiles missed their targets and the poor soldiers of the body of
guard quickly will realize that they deal with professionals aguerris.
Henri and the small quarter as of his gathers in an angle, leaned with
the wall. In the close combat with the white weapon, our brave men
éluzates will not make the weight. Henri dispatches in all haste one as
of his to raise the harrow and rameuter all those which are outside to
take again the control of the situation. But the business was hot and
Antoine de Roquelaure fought like a lion to save Henri. This one, good
prince, did not seek to draw revenge on the city rebels and one
restricted oneself to pass by the weapons four of the awkward defenders
what, at the time, was well little of thing for a so serious business

Gryffri de Newmarch
Chronicler of Forth Castle - http://www2.gasou.edu/SCA/chronicler
of the Southern Creative Anachronists - http://www2.gasou.edu/SCA
Keeper of the Book - http://www2.gasou.edu/SCA/newmarchbook

"il est bon de frotter et limer notre cervelle contre celle d'autrui."
It is good to rub and polish our mind against those of others.

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