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Re[3.1415926]: Are Duck Pins Period?

Good Day All!

I am a firm believer in Duke Pens, but one must take Great Care to be 
sure that the Dukes are kept in separate Pens.  Just recently, I 
witnessed the unfortunate consequences when this Did Not Happen.

We had two Bull Dukes carefully penned up, but sadly in the same pen. 
Initially the one was up on Fence O and the other was back on Fence D, 
apparently quite well separated. However, at one point they did rush 
(well as rushed as Bull Dukes get) together and did contest with much 
flailing of sticks and bumping of bellies over "who would have the puck 
and stick it in and score." After much huffing and puffing, bumping and 
checking, the Younger Bull Duke did cast the Elder down and cause it to 
crack its unprotected skull against the ground (to the great distress of 
all and the ground). The Elder Duke was not permanently damaged, but one 
can easily see that "Separate but Equal Accomodations" are clearly the 
rule one should apply with Duke Pens.
