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Ianthe and Linguistics

Ianthe sez:
>     By all means, you may pronounce my name "Hay-Yoo."  Of course, if you 
>     do, I celebrate your spirit of cross-cultural tolerance by pronouncing 
>     your name "Ecki-Ecki-Ecki-Piyoo-Pitang".

Geez, I _hate_ that! Any fool can see there are only two "ecki"s in "Henry".
I implore you: please take Alianora's class on European Languages. A mind is
a tragic thing at waste, or words to that effect.

>     Oh, and that's "Countess Hay-Yoo".  

Excellency, at this point, I throw myself open to your mercy; as no slight
was ever intended. I swear upon my honor, from this day forward, I will never
fail to address you as "countess", should I use the "hay-yoo" pronunciation,
as is proper in my native tongue.

-Henry the Pedant

--------- John Strauss     gc429@cleveland.freenet.edu ---------
University Atlantia #38 is April 8th at Rencester on the William
and Mary Campus. Taking class proposals immediately. Taking bids
for UA #39 on July 1st.  - Henry Best, Chancellor, U of Atlantia