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Re: Vivat Corun! Vivat Brenna!

Lady Meli wrote:
> 	And the Merry Rose banner is a hoot .... :-)

Thank you m'lady.  I thought it so obvious and so funny, I couldn't 
resist.  I hope everyone will have a chance to see it at University and 
other events, and to gather together and swap stories, songs, puns, and
cants.  I was thinking about describing the banner here, but it will be more
fun for you to see it.  Like all good tavern signs, it will be obvious what
it means.
> 	I got to meet Liefr, who is a perfect gentleman and an absolute dear, 

Oh, I blush.  Such kind words.  And I must say, Lady Meli caught be just 
as I was leaving, as I could only day-trip.  She closed from beyond the 
outer gate to the inner court with a rush many of our fighters would do 
well to imitate.
> 	Looking forward to partying under the smiling Merry Rose at some future 
> event,

I hope to see you there too.

In Service
Leifr Johansson
CFFP "Si non tibi placet, non emendate agis"