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Re[2]: Oh please..someone tell another lighthearted story

Ianthe favors everyone with a "lighthearted" song....
Thankyou my lady..... You have an interesting view of lighthearted.... "she 
swallowed cold poison and jumped into the sea..."  But it definitely makes 
want to drink...Care for some scotch?  (Gwendolyn Anne!!!! Put those combs 
down unless you intend to card with them!!!)
Anne Elizabeth
(who sometimes wonders what she was thinking when she gave up bottled 
water..... sigh)

     To Anne Elizabeth, from Ianthe, greetings,
     Thank you for your hospitality.  I'll just put it here by my elbow 
     and sip at it (strong drink too quickly taken makes both my head and 
     my stitching swim).
     Back in Ancient days, that particular song was most often dedicated 
     to Sir Patri du Chat Gris (in his pre-wedded years - when he was 
     still striving to perfect the art of flirtation.)
     As for my own Small Trial (age 3), she had a grand time yesterday at 
     the Storvik Investiture, and is still talking about all the "knights 
     and great ladies" she saw.  The image of his dignity, the Mandarin 
     Vuong Manh stooping down to play at pebbles with her is one that made 
     me smile. (He's now charmed both generations of the women of Casa 
     -Ianthe                                    kim.salazar@em.doe.gov