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re:questions about favors

Favors can be fun, but they can also be a lot of pain.  My mother has
asked my 11 sisters and me to make not one, but two favors, for myu
father and my uncle.  While some of us have completed our parts of these
favors, 8 of us have not.  As such, it may be a while before these
favors are completed.  This is causing some minor stress for my mother,
who has extended the deadline for these favors from October 1994 to Garb
Wars this May. 

On another note, I would be careful as to who you give a favor.  A
*gentleman* I know refuses to return my favor, and he has been refusing
for over 2 years now.  He is no longer acting in any way honorably, and
I am getting rather annoyed that he will not honor my request and return
my favor.  To make things easier on me in the future, the next person
to whom I give a favor who is NOT a relative, will probably be my
husband -- after we are married.  Returning favors when asked is 
a matter of courtesy, and to keep one's honor, one should *honor* the
request (pardon the pun).

Isabella (who's just hoping to get this semester over with -- then
12 more credit hours and a thesis...and it's all done)