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Re: Class description deadlines for Collegium Borealis

On Fri, 12 May 1995, Andreas Saarvuo wrote:

> 	I've been reading this atlantia-l stuff for a few days
> 	now, but I haven't been able to make any sense in it.
> 	Would somebody pls explain what this is all about?
Sure, its about you coming to Collegium Borealis on July 1st, at the 
College of St. Stephen (incipient as of Sunday) (GMU) and teaching a 
class on whatever subject in which you feel confident.  

My Lords and Ladies, you don't have to be Laurels or Pearls to teach.  
All you need is to have done a little study and class prepration, and 
then be willing to share the results of your efforts with a small number 
of people (class sizes run from 1 to maybe 50).  It can actually be fun.
I can't promise you scads of breathless students, hanging impatiently on your
every word, but I certainly expect them to be courteous and attentive.

So Corun needs teachers for the performing arts, and we need teachers in 
general for all the verious arts and sciences of the SCA.  Please contact 
Lady Meli (sharon@intercon.com) and submit your class.  If you want to be 
part of one of our tracks, please contact her about the various track 
leaders for each of our prearranged tracks.  Or if your area of study is 
not yet arranged into a track, you could be a track leader yourself.

In Service
Leifr Johansson