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Re: Use of honorifics

Unto the patrons of the Merry Rose, and those shopping among the stalls of
Cheapside, greetings!  Tirloch remarks:
> Greetings to all....
> Lord Liefr write this day abour crown tourney and he used the initials "H.L."
> for the title of the lady he fought for.
> I am not aware that Atlantian tradition has changed to use this title. In all
> the University classes taught over the past few years, great pains have been
> taken to educate the populace that the "H.L." is not part of the Atlantian
> culture.
> If we have changed our traditions, it would be a good thing to tell people
> that the honored traditions of our kingdom have changed.
> In other kingdoms, when a person is given by the royalty a grant of arms (GoA),
> the awardee can call themselves "H.L." but we don't do this. 
> If I am wrong, please tell me and point to the citations that Atlantia does
> this.
> In Service,
> Tirloch
> a herald.....
   This may be a confusion between official standards and unofficial usage
on Lord Liefr's part.  When I got my GoA, several friends (who "grew up"
in other kingdoms) remarked "So you're The _Honorable_ Lord Landi!"  Also
I believe some other gentles with grants of arms use "The Honorable" or
"Your Lord/Ladyship", with the understanding that this is not the officially
approved form.  (As an aside, if a holder of a GoA from a kingdom where "H.L."
was approved usage moved to Atlantia, would they be allowed to continue
to use the title?)
   As for myself, I usually use the form:

--Landi    :-)