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Re: Use of honorifics

On May 16, 14:40, Tom Bilodeau wrote:

> I am not aware that Atlantian tradition has changed to use this title. In all
> the University classes taught over the past few years, great pains have been
> taken to educate the populace that the "H.L." is not part of the Atlantian
> culture.

I know nothing about honorifics, and I haven't attended any University
classes about them. I have, however, witnessed Countess Muirgen(sp?)
humorously chastize THL Etienne for only using "Lord" as his title,
after she gave him a Grant. She said that she gave out grants during
her reign in order to re-establish their use in Atlantia.

I could be mis-remembering, of course.

Gregory Blount of Isenfir