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Re: Braveheart

> #1 That I know of, Sir William never had a fling for the Princess.  That was
> probably just thrown in as a romantic interest to make the movie more
> user-friendly (after all, Murren didn't last but 10 minutes).  And as for
> William fathering Edward III, I really don't think so.

Isabel had several flings (one of which she used to overthrow Edward II),
but Edward III was born 7 years after the execution of Wallace. Rather long
for a pregnancy, no?


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On Thu, 1 Jun 1995 EoganmacL@aol.com wrote:

> Achbar is right, it's a great movie.  I like it tenfold more than Rob Roy
> (and I _really_ liked Rob Roy).  It is more or less (or less) historical,
> save two major points.
> #1 That I know of, Sir William never had a fling for the Princess.  That was
> probably just thrown in as a romantic interest to make the movie more
> user-friendly (after all, Murren didn't last but 10 minutes).  And as for
> William fathering Edward III, I really don't think so.
> #2 Bannockburn.  For one thing, it was a different Robert Bruce, son to the
> one in the film, grandson of the leper, who lead the Scots to victory.  And
> there was also 9 years between this battle and  Wallace's execution.  It's
> understandable why they summed it up, though.  The movie was already three
> hours long, and to add another generation of Bruces and 9 more years would be
> overboard (woulda made a good sequel, though).  And they needed some closure
> other than Wallace's death.
> Bannockburn in the film was fought on the spur of the moment when Robert was
> supposed to ride out and pay homage to the the English King (by this time Ed
> II).  In real life it was planned for a year and was fought over Castle
> Stirling.  It was a wonderful battle, one of the best in history, and if
> anyone wants the full details of it, email me, and I'll tell you all about
> it.
> Those are the major things that I noticed.  Any other innacuracies that
> anyone noticed?  Was Ed II really gay?  What about the Irish forces at
> Falkirk?  I doubt they really switched sides, although I wouldn't put it past
> them.  Any info?
> Aye,
> Eogan MacLaren