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Re: Braveheart

On Sun, 4 Jun 1995, Michael Surbrook wrote:

> > I also read somewhere that Led Zeppelin's "Battle of Evermore" was
> > inspired by this battle (or was that Killikrankie?)
> I was always under the impression that "Battle of Evermore" was taken 
> from Tolkien's 'Lord of the Rings' specifically the battle before the 
> gates of Gondor.

Same here.  But in a book someone lent on Led Zeppelin, it said that it
was also inspired by the Scottish Wars of the 14th Century (they didn't
specifically cite any battles) which Robert Plant had been studying at the

Brett W. McCoy                       | "Go not to the Elves for counsel,
bmccoy@capaccess.org                 |  for they will say both yes and no"
Minstrel, Mage, Sage, Wooer of Women |      -- JRR Tolkien
and General Friend of all Nature...  |