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Re: Family arams, OOP

Mikjal wrote:
> Countess Ianthe and Lord Phillip recount how their families' names
> were altered by "helpful" immigration officials at Ellis Island.  The

And then added with his account of Ike Fergeson.

This reminds me of a story a friend told of one of his relatives' encounters
at Ellis Island. Apparently a grand Uncle (or some such) from Germany was
heading eventually to Defiance, Ohio where his sponsor lived. He got into
NY to get his train ticket at Union Station. The fellow at the ticket counter
asked him where he was going. The conversation then ensued thus:

"I vant ticket to Dee-fee-ahnsay O-hee-o."

"Hey, this guy wants a ticket to Dee-fee-ahnsay O-hee-o."

"I not guy!" <WHACK>

And thus he spent his first night in America in jail for fighting. Language,
you gotta love it.

In service,

   Corun MacAnndra   |
 Dark Horde by birth |	       	  vivivi - the editor of the Beast
   Moritu by choice  |