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Up with Hal Bards, out with Words

Greetings to the Merry Pranksters.

On the topic of Henry's (two eckis, no waiting) ankles, I don't have a song,
but here a some limericks from Storvik's own limerick rake, me.

	There was a young fellow from Isenfir
	Who's ankles, 'tis said, were without peer
	The lasses admire
	This lad from the Shire
	And wish they could all hold him near and dear

	Of Henery Best it is said 
	His ankles are very well bred
	But don't tell him this
	For he'll take it amiss
	And the thought will go right to his head

	There once a fellow named Hal
	Who was told by a very close pal
	"With your ankles unclad
	You're a glamourous lad,
	And the topic of every gal."

Hope you all enjoyed them. And yes, the Henery in the second one is spelled
that way to allow the proper meter.


   Corun MacAnndra   |
 Dark Horde by birth |	       	  vivivi - the editor of the Beast
   Moritu by choice  |