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Re: Air at Pennsic

Greetings from Ellwood!

Scripsit Caitlin:

%>Does anyone know of sources for either fans that can be used in a tent at
%>Pennsic? I'm looking for either solar or battery powered( larger than the
%>palm sized ones at Wal-Mart).

%What kind of tent? And where will you be camping? In my experience, no
%amount of fanning is going to do much to cool a nylon tent on the Serengeti
%on a typical Pennsic afternoon! You'll just be moving the 140 degree air!

%Two years ago, we had a huge open-sided canvas military tent in our
%encampment adjacent to Eastern Royal. We had two or three very big box fans
%(electric, one of the perks of Royal) going day and night and still it
%wasn't cool. And, our neighbors in Heralds' Point were none too happy about
%the noise!

%But, since I'm ever optimistic and will be not-quite-seven-months pregnant
%at Pennsic this year, I'm hoping someone here has had more luck with this
%and will tell both of us how to keep cool!

It might cost extra, but what if you put some ice into a cooler, then place 
a fan
on a stool in front of the open cooler?  I need to grab my physics book from
home to calculate how long it would take 20 quarts of ice to melt in 90 
heat, tho'.

In serv-ice,