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University #39

The next University session will be the December kingdom weekend, 
December 2nd.

1) AUTOCRATS: Im still looking for a site. I want very much to hold 
this one in the Carolinas. If you think your group can accommodate this, 
please contact me.

2) DEANS: If anyone wants a job as a dean for this session, please 
contact me. I will be happy to let anyone who wants to gather classes do 
so. I would just like to know who you are. 

I wont be at Pennsic, so you guys are free to play Chancellor. Again, let 
me know who you are, just so we dont have three different people 
recruiting for a medieval law track or something.  (Mind you, the 
medieval law tracks have been successful. I just have this sneaking 
suspicion that three of them at one event would be pushing the limit.)

3) TEACHERS: I have said for some time now, the Heart of Atlantia is in 
her teachers. Atlantians like to teach and, as students, they are kind to 
teachers. Everyone has a class in them. I would sure be proud to offer 

4) STUDENTS: Mark your calendars. Its gonna be fun.

Lord Henry Best
Magister Scholarum
Universitatis Atlantie

(804) 296-7629
John Strauss
668 Bluff Ave
Waynesboro, VA 22980

Hmmm. You know? My spelling checker was pretty pissy about the word 