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Re: Chivalry ... is it dying?

Something I almost missed due to being at Pennsic, that I thought nobody

In article <40o5gq$10p@utdallas.edu> Robin of Gilwell wrote:
>Stratton, Michael King (MS9273@CONRAD.APPSTATE.EDU) wrote:
>> 	This is a question for all to answer and discuss: 
>> 		Chivalry... is it dying?
>When I first joined the SCA, the first kingdom newsletter I received had 
>a letter from somebody who was resigning all of her awards and leaving 
>because Chivalry had died, the Dream was gone, people were no longer 
>helping and supporting each other, etc.  That was in the 1970s.  I have 
>heard similar statements ever since.
>OF COURSE Chivalry is dying.  Chivalry is *always* dying.  In was dying 
>in the King Arthur stories.  It was dying in the Middle Ages.  It will be 
>dying one hundred years hence.
>Chivalry is always and forever on the brink of death, and will always and 
>forever need immediate first aid.  From you.  From me.
>Go carry someone's ice chest for her.  Go believe well of someone when 
>you hear a rumor.  Go apologize for last week's mistake.  Go defend 
>someone you don't like.
>And hurry.  Chivalry is dying.
>Robin of Gilwell/Jay Rudin
>(who hereby apologizes to anyone he has offended on the net)

(PS:  As for Pennsic, Vivant our new peers!  Vivant the Atlantian columns
on the left who turned the entire flank of Middle in the town battle,
the warriors who destroyed the vaunted Calontiri shield wall in the mountain
passes, the duelist who captured 3rd in the Midrealm Rapier tourney against
116 foreigners, and all the other bold Atlantians whose exploits I missed!
I believe his Majesty created two Laurels and a Knight, as well as a number
of new members of kingdom orders, but my humble memory has lost the names)

Giovan Donato Falconieri, Freescholar
Kappellenberg, Windmaster's Hill, Atlantia