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pennsic peers

giovan mentioned the new peers created at pennsic, and i just wanted to 
fill in some of the names he couldn't recall...

the barony of the sacred stone and the canton of hawkwood are overjoyed to
count among their ranks atlantia's newest member of the order of the
chivalry, sir duncan mcadam.  (sp?  sorry!) also of note, his lady wife
emer was inducted into the order of the golden dolphin...  furthermore,
sacred stone is proud home to the newest member of the order of the
laurel, mistress adriana having been recognized for her skill at and
teaching of weaving. 

many other atlantians distinguished themselves or were recognized for 
their distinction at the war...  and a good time was had by all!


angharad melys, guard d'argent
sacred stone / windmaster's hill, atlantia