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RE: Merry Rose FAQ

(This message intentionally sent to both Kendrick and the Merry Rose)

> I have written a FAQ for the Merry Rose.  It is only in ALPHA
> stages right now (for those of you who deal with software), 
> but I would like people to comment on it.  I have taken
> parts of it from the Rialto FAQ.  I tried to contact the author
> of said FAQ to ask permission, but was unable to reach him.
> (Even though he is one our list.)  So, please make comments,
> and Roybynn, if you see somthing you don't like (or do) please
> comment.  Thanks.

I've got no objections to the use of parts of the Rialto FAQ for the
Merry Rose FAQ.  I do have a slight concern about maintenance, in that
changes will take extra time to propagate.  It might be better for the
Merry Rose FAQ to include a table of contents, and pointers to the Rialto
FAQ, rather than duplicating entries.  This is especially true for the
other SCA mailing lists FAQ, which is seldom the same three months in a

I have a greater concern about your inability to reach me.  My real email
address hasn't changed in >5 years, and the alias I distribute (which is
included in the Rialto FAQ) hasn't changed in at least 3.  Please make
another attempt to contact me directly, and let me know what problems you
encountered.  We've been having some trouble with the campus network, and
the more documentation we can accumulate on the problems, the better the
chances of fixing them permanently.
  Robyyan Torr d'Elandris  Kapellenberg, Windmaster's Hill  Atlantia
  Dennis R. Sherman  	         Triangle Research Libraries Network
  dennis_sherman@unc.edu       Univ. of North Carolina - Chapel Hill