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Re: Thanks to Storvik

Istvan writes;

> I wish to extend a warm thank you to the Barony of Storvik on behalf of
> the three newcomers in my Shire, Rhiannon (Rynne), Shone (Kevin) and
> William (Jake) for your hospitality at the Post-Pennsic Revel last
> Saturday evening.  This was their first event ever, and they returned with
> several tales to tell.  Shone especially wishes to thank the Baroness for
> her warm hospitality and companionship, and would furthermore like to
> learn the name of the lady in the blue dress with whom he danced.  William
> also wishes to extend a thank you to the Royal Bard James for providing
> appropriate garb for the evening. 

Good milord Istvan,

I am glad your folk had a good time at our Revel. I recall meeting one
rather tall, blond fellow dressed all in white, and while I don't recall
his name, I do remember that he said he was from Sylvan Glen. He was a
very personable young man.

Please tell your folk that they are welcome in Storvik any time. I also
hope we'll see you next time around. The Storvik Yule Revel is coming up,
and as with the Post Pennsic Revel, will be more dessert and dancing.

In service,
Baron of Storvik

   Corun MacAnndra   |  Beneath the cool, calm, professional exterior of the
 Dark Horde by birth |  SCA, lurk all the subtle interpersonal dynamics of a
   Moritu by choice  |  nursery school at recess.  --  A. Greyseas