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Re: Administrivia - Delays,New List -Reply

Actaully, the domain sca.org already exists. Why don't we just get a host
name off that domain, which should be free or a very nominal fee...


Mario M. Butter            |GAT d++$ H>++ s:+ !g !p au+ a?  w+++ v++(-) C++
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On Fri, 29 Mar 1996, Tanner Lovelace wrote:

> Date: Fri, 29 Mar 1996 23:34:40 -0500 (EST)
> From: Tanner Lovelace <lovelace@netcom.com>
> To: atlantia-l@netcom.com
> Subject: Re: Administrivia - Delays,New List -Reply
> On Fri, 29 Mar 1996, Tanner Lovelace wrote:
> > I did not say the site would cost money.  The site is already
> > up and available.  The money is to make it easier to use.
> After rereading my post, I don't think I was very clear in what
> I was saying.  I am not asking anyone who doesn't want to to
> give anything.  I happen to think that since we need to move
> anyway, doing something to minimize the confusion when we 
> move, and if we have to move again, would be a good thing.  Getting
> our own domain name would accomplish this.  Unfortunately, the
> Internic, the great proccesor of domain names, thought it would be
> better if everyone started paying $50 a year for this.  That's
> where the money comes in.  No one is going to ask anyone to pay
> anything just for the priviledge of being on the mailing list.
> What I was asking was that if someone else thought this would
> be a good idea, would they be willing to help out with it.
> (Much the same way the SCA board is now asking for donations.)
> Several people have expressed interest in helping (for which I
> thank them greatly), and it looks like it will now be possible.
> Whether or not it happens, though, the list will end up in a 
> much better place.
> If anyone is still confused, or has questions, please feel
> free to e-mail me directly.
> In service,
> Lord Kendrick Wayfarer
> Listkeeper, Merry Rose
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Tanner Lovelace | lovelace@netcom.com    |  D /       C /  Fence
>  Arlington       | lovelace@dcscorp.com   | ()~    --+-\\   Fence
>  Virginia        | lovelace@capaccess.org | / >        | \  Fence
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
>          Per chevron argent and azure, a wolf passant 
>        sable between three compass roses counterchanged.