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Re: Response to Proposed IAC Banishment Change
On Mar 27, 4:34pm, Corun MacAnndra wrote:
> Esclarmonde (Lisa Steele) wrote:
> >
> >On Mon, 25 Mar 1996, Stephanie Malone Thorson wrote:
> >
> >> On Fri, 22 Mar 1996, Lisa Steele wrote:
> >
> >> not perfect, does at least have certain built-in safeguards - even a bad
> >> king is gone in 6 months time, and there is an administration that runs
> >> the kingdom reasonably well despite the quality of the royalty.
> >
> > I confess I am not satisfied with this. One with the title of monarch
> >should be more than a figurehead the administration works around. If we
> >want a figurehead, let us clearly say so.
> > --Esclarmonde
> Given this, the question then becomes should the monarchs of the SCA reign,
> rule or lead? There is a distinct difference between all three, and I know
> where I put my money.
I must confess (as did the proverbial fool who tried to spread marzipan
on a live swan) that the subtlety escapes me. The online Webster is
little help:
1a: to possess or exercise sovereign power : RULE
1b: to hold office as chief of state although exercising
minimal powers of making and executing governmental policy
2: to exercise authority or hold sway in the manner of a monarch
2a: to exercise authority or power over : GOVERN
1a: to guide on a way esp. by going in advance
1b: to direct on a course or in a direction
2: to have charge of {~ a campaign} 3b
I believe that the distinct differences that His Excellency refers to
are part of the specialized jargon of the Society, and that others besides
me may be unclear on them. To help clarify, I propose that the Baron,
or someone equally wise in these matters, list various situations that
may befall a monarch, joined with the monarch's options in this situation,
which options would presumably change depending on whether she reigns,
rules, or leads.
The following example is ONLY AN EXAMPLE. As I confessed above, I
myself cannot currently draw such distinctions accurately. So this
does NOT show an ACTUAL difference among the three verbs, but only
how such differences might be DISPLAYED.
There is a troublemaker that the King wishes to banish.
If he reigns...
he may issue an edict of exile.
If he rules...
he may present an proposal of exile to Parliament for their approval.
If he leads...
he may cross his arms and turn his back on the troublemaker.
-- Alfredo el Bufon