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Re: Outlandish Tourney System in Calontir

On Wed, 10 Apr 1996, Ed Hopkins wrote:

> I'm not sure I understand this.  This seems to imply that the winners of
> the April Crown would serve as Prince and Princess for only two months.
> And it seems there would be no Crown Prince at all from December to April.
> Is that correct?

No, not at all. Coronation for April crown winners is in May; hence they
are P&P for exactly 1 month (REEEEEEAAAL short adjustment time). Coronation
for Julyish Crown is in November; hence P&P for 4-5ish months.

branwynn ottersby
Caer Galen, OUtlands (yeah, Susie, yuu knoow how to pronounce that!)
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