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Re: Outlandish Tourney System in Calontir

Wow. Deja-Vu.

(I got this and another message sent to me twice for some reason.)

Alfredo el Bufon wrote: 
> I'm not sure I understand this.  This seems to imply that the winners of
> the April Crown would serve as Prince and Princess for only two months.
> And it seems there would be no Crown Prince at all from December to April.
> Is that correct?

Yes, that's essentially correct. (I know Bronwynn answered this already, 
but her reply left me guessing how this process works and I live here.)

I will try to make this clearer:

In April we have a crown tournament.
The winner of April crown serves as Crown Prince until May. (1 month)
In May we have Coronation- Last court of old king, first court of new.
The King crowned in May serves until November. (6 months)

In July we have another crown tournament.
The winner of July Crown serves as Crown Prince until November. (4 months)
In November we have Coronation-last court of May King, first court of July
That King reigns from November to the following April (6 months)

There is no Crown Prince from November until the following April (5 months)
So, yes, your observation was correct.

-Pendar the Bard

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