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Re: Outlandish Tourney System in Calontir
Alfredo el Bufon wrote:
>I'm not sure I understand this. This seems to imply that the winners of
>the April Crown would serve as Prince and Princess for only two months.
>And it seems there would be no Crown Prince at all from December to April.
>Is that correct?
One of the differences I noticed when I moved to Atlantia was what a LONG
time the winners of Crown Tourney were royal. In An Tir, where they also
have 6-month reigns, there is May Crown followed by July coronation (Crown
prince/ss for 2 months) and September Crown followed by coronation at 12th
Night (Crown prince/ss for 3 months - one extra month to get spiffy garb
together :)
There is no Crown prince/ss from January to May nor from July to September.
The West Kingdom does the following: March Crown followed by Beltaine (May
Coronation) followed by June Crown, followed by Purgatorio (August Coronation)
followed by October Crown, followed by 12th Night (January Coronation).
Here May Crown will be followed by coronation in September (Crown prince/ss
for 4 months) then one reigns until April - up to 50 weeks of being royal! Wow!
(Do I have that right? If Cuan and Brigit were crowned September 9 and are
stepping down April 20th isn't that a 7+ month reign? Does that mean Galmr
and Katherina will have a less-than-five month reign? Ohhhh, I'm so confused.)
More interKingdom Anthropology.
- Anarra
Anarra at her first Atlantian 12th night: "When is coronation court? The
folks on the thrones this evening look the same as the folks on the thrones
this morning." :D
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