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Riverplace Festival Demo
Greetings unto all Good Gentles
We are pleased to invite one and all to a very special demo on May 3-5
in Greenville, S.C. Our fair city holds a spring festival to celebrate
the changing of the seasons and this is the second year they have
invited the SCA to be a part of that celebration.
Last year we were provided with a pavilion in a lovely meadow down by
the river where we set up an Arts and Sciences display, had members in
persona and garb to speak with the public and even had a few fighters
and fencers to display their prowess on the field of battle.
This year we would like to expand our presentation. We need you, your
A&S projects, and especially we need fighters and fencers! Here is
your golden opportunity to spread the word of our Society and get in an
afternoon of fighting practice all in one fell swoop. We all know what
a stirring sight our fighters present in full regalia. Here is your
chance to shine for the Dream.
If you can't make it to Coronation, please come and celebrate our new
Royalty in Greenville. Crash space is available. There are no fees.
And you will be helping to promote our Society. Contact Lady Elspeth
Hinds of Falcon Cree at (864)244-4406 or email at shines1@ix.netcom.com
Yours in Service
Lady Elspeth Hinds
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