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Re: Outlandish Tourney System in Calontir

> Cuan and Brigit's reign has been an extended one, due mainly to logistics
> problems.  Sometimes that happens.  
> When I first entered the SCA, Winter Coronation was the first weekend in
> October, with Crown tournament the first weekend in November; then the Summer
> Coronation was in April, with Crown following in May, again both on the first
> weekend.  I understood this was to allow time for the heirs to prepare for
> being King/Queen and to give the current King/Queen some assistance with
> "public appearances".  It obviously provided equal "reign time".
> Somewhere down the line, this became skewed and the two reigns developed
> unequal time.  I wonder if that's partly because Pennsic is considered a
> greater drain on the Crown than the winter reign, so the summer reign has
> been shortened? 

Actually the real plan is Coronation 1st weekend in March or 1st weekend 
in April followed by a Crown the fist weekend in May.  Fall Coronation is 
sometime in Sept (usually the 3rd weekend or so) or the first weekend in 
Oct. followed by a Crown the first weekend in Nov.

What skewed it this time was actually Gulf Wars.   Cuan and Brigit 
desired to attend as Monarchs, since I had Pennsic and Toys of Tots Clash 
(Sea Wars) in my reign, that was no problem.  We therefore scheduled 
Coroanation for the alternate date of the first weekend in April.  All 
was well and good until someone pointed out that that was the first  
weekend after the nth full moon of the yeari, etc. etc.  meaning it was 
Easter.  Sooo, it got pushed back to the 20th.


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