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New Record! (fwd)


   I wanted people to know the results of my "time" question. From the mail I 
got back it seems that longest time someone had to wait for email was about 
1 1/2 hours. This is for email to be sent to their address. Some people have
to wait for the email to travel in their network to get to their machine. 

   Also this morning I found this waiting for me from Tim Lowman the person
here at NC State who keeps up the machine that does the Computer Science 
Departments mail.  
> Yesterday we processed:
> 32712 individual pieces of email on our machines.  That equals 22.7 mail
> deliveries per minute.

  For those that are interested Majordomo tries every 90 minutes to send you
mail so if your machine dies are can not get mail for awhile don't worry. The
mail server will skip you and try agian in 90 minutes. 

Scott Callicutt Multimedia System Admin 919 515 3569

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