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Baron's Veto

Unto the Gentles of the List!

        Thank you for all of your concerned replies to my inquiry.  I 
suppose I should have made it clear that I have spoken to our Baronial 
Exchequer, looked at Corpora and Red Tape, and have tried to contact our 
Seneschal.  Our Barony does not have a charter and this veto is not 
mentioned in our Baronial Spending Policy.  There are few others in this 
Barony who have been here longer than I, so my choices of information are few.  
        This was NOT intented to be a gripe about our Baron.  In fact, I 
support his views on the pavillion, if that information be pertainent.  I 
was asking a question that I thought others of this list would be interested 
in.  As a student, I have found that usually when I have a question that no 
one I know can answer, there are probably others who may be interested in 
the answer as well.  I was under the impression that this is a place to 
discuss more than just embroidery.
        As a side note, the word "Coronet" is a commonly used word in Black 
Diamond referring to the Baron and Baroness collectively.  I was NOT, in any 
way mocking them or being disrespectful.  I would not ruin my friendship 
with Thier Excellencies over a pavillion!

        For the purpose of summarizing what seems to be the view of this list:

        8 replies said "No"
        6 replies said check your Baronial Charter
        3 said both of the above
        1 reply said maybe

        However, the final word, as far as I am concerned, lies with 
Atlantia's Prince.  He has also urged me, as others have, not to use this 
forum for this discussion.  I will, however, give what I understand to be 
the important part of his reply:
        "As to the matter at hand, without a Baronial Charter, the Baron's 
powers are esentially whatever he can get away with that is not against 
Kingdom Law, Kingdom Policies (the Exchequer has specific policies), 
Corpora, or Mundane Law." -HRH Galmr.

        Thank you again for your input.  I would like to apologize for any 
insults I may have brought and herby disconnect myself and my name from this 

Sorcha de Glys


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