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Re: newbie! sick them dogs of war on me

	Greetings Lady Sorcha,
	Your very welcome about the discription, I do try my best to be 
honest. Yes your world can be eye pooping and strange but I think I 
can fit in quite nicly as soon as I can learn to ride adn take teh 
training wheels off. Yes it is very exciting indead.

	Robert Montague

>         I simply wanted to express my thanks for your description of 
> Coronation.  It has been a while since I have heard such an honest account 
> from a newbie.  I understand that our world can be strange, but I truly hope 
> you enjoy playing with us.  Thank you for reminding me what it was like to 
> be a newbie.  It is an exciting time!  Have fun.
>                                                                   Cordially,
>                                                                         Lady 
> Sorcha

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"It's never wise to mess with a computer wizard, 
you might get you drive zaped"

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