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Re: Highland River Melees

On Fri, 3 May 1996 AdamofErin@aol.com wrote:

>    I have seen what people have written about Silver cooking feast at
> Highland River Melees, and I must say this.  I hope he cooks the feast
> instead of handling it because I have seen some of the things he likes to
> touch.  YYYYUUUUCCCHH!!!!!!!
We may be thinking of different items.  _I've_ seen some of the goodies
Silver likes to touch, and if I weren't married I...er...well, no point
speculating about that.  Besides, some of those ladies know Karate.

|---------Master Vuong Manh, C.P., Storvik, Atlantia---------|
|Now, let's stop and think: how would Bugs Bunny handle this?|

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