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A detaied description of Crown

To the patrons of the Merry Rose:

Good Gentles,
             It was brought to my attention that althought I
posted the results of Crown, I listed the bare essentials
only. It was suggested that a more detailed account of the day
might be helpful to illumiate it for those who could not
attend, or have never been to a Crown Tournement before. You
will find here the account given to me to relate to you. As the
Tale is greater than the Teller, they have asked to remain
               In service,
                          THL Bryce de Byram
(posting on the gracious Lady Susanna Grey's account)

>  For those who have never been to a Crown Tourney,
>    Please enjoy this perspective...
>  Camp Pipsico was a beautiful camp. One could camp very close to the Tourney
>  field, without having the long hike that always accompanies an event at Camp
>  Brady Saunders. The day started with a glorious blue sky and mild
> temperatures.
>  The weather man proclaimed it could get up to the high 80's. The field was set
>  up, enclosed by a wooden barrier adding to the excitment of the day. The
> closer
>  it got to noon, the more the excitement impregnated the air. Their Majesties
>  lounged under Their pavilion, greeting Their populace as everyone prepared.
>  Finally, the time had come. Lady Rhiannon, Neriad Herald gathered the
>  combatants and thie consorts together to process onto the field, greet Their
>  Majesties Galmr and Katharina and decide the first round fights. The
> procession
>  is a way for the populace to be introduced to all the fighters, and see the
>  heraldry, as well as to become familiar with the ranking, (seeing as this IS a
>  Mediaeval association.) I apologize for not knowing the exact order of the
>  first half, but here is who processed in... Corwyn de Wemyss with Mistress
>  Keilyn FitzWarin, I think, began the procession. Next was Lord Wulfbrand
>  Weigand with Lady Magdalena Kestral. Lord Wulfbrand hails from Black Diamond.
>  Lord Werenher von Ingolstadt fought for Lady Aithe MacDonald. Lord Leifr
>  Johansson for Cailean McAdle. Lord Dammuth Agantyr of House Shadowoulfe sought
>  the Crown for his lady wife, Brianna O Duinn. Fighting for Mistress Jaelle of
>  Armida was Lord Gaston de Montrevel, squire to Duke Michael of Bedford. Lord
>  Finn Marland O Shannon, also squire to Duke Michael, did fight for Innogen of
>  Clonmel. The last of the unbelts was Lord Osric Logan Ebonwolfe seeking the
>  Crown for his good lady, Arielle of House Shadowoulfe. (Now this order is
>  correct.) Then did the baby Knight of Atlantia approach, Sir Xenophon Vaughn
>  fighting for Lady Celynen of Stow-on-the-Wold. After that, did Sir Duncan
>  MacAdam approach seeking to place his lady wife, Lady Emma ny Reyly as the
> next
>  Princess. Jarl Thorbrandr Olafsson entered without his lady wife, as Countess
>  Eorann O Connor did have modern obligations she could not ignore... perhaps
>  auspicious, as that was also true when Thorbrandr did win last! Following was
>  Count Kikuchi no Tsuranaga, known as Count Kai desiring the Atlantian Crown
> for
>  his lady, Lady Mordeyrn Tremayne. Earl Dafydd ap Gwystl with his gracious
>  Countess, Elizabeth Beaufort entered next. The last, but definately not least,
>  was Duke Bertrand de Flammepoing fighting for Baroness Alicia de Mersey. As
>  each pair awaited the reading of their name and the fighter's heraldry, they
>  were gifted with a fan and wish for luck from Lord Logan through a member of
>  his household, (Vivats Your Highness, this was well done!)
>  The tourney started with a challenge in. Being that there were 6 knights and 8
>  unbelts, Lord Logan was asked to step to the Knights side, and the challenge
> in
>  began. Her Majesty selected a card at random from the Herald, Lord Finn was
> the
>  first to challenge in. He made his choice, and the whole was set in motion.
> The
>  fighting progressed, bouts were lost and won. But the most important thing
> that
>  happened was chivalrous fighting from all fighters.
>  The semi finals showed four fighters left, two who had not lost to any as yet,
>  two who had lost one. First, Count Kai, with no,losses, faced Count Daffyd who
>  had one loss. Daffyd needed to beat Kai twice to win, and Kai needed to beat
>  Daffyd once to win. After a most invigorating fight, Count Kai bested Count
>  Daffyd, advancing to the finals. We then watched Sir Duncan , who had lost
>  once, face off with Lord Logan, who had no losses.
>  Once again, after an excellent bout, the populace awaited the finals which
>  would be between Count Kai, and Lord Logan. These two fighters collected their
>  consorts and knelt before their Monarchs. His Majesty asked both couples their
>  wish for investiture, field or court, and both couples chose to be invested on
>  the field.
>  The finals would be best of three; the first round weapons choice to
>  be Logan's, the second round, Kai's, and the third, should it go to a third,
>  would be the fighter's choice. Logan's choice, weapon and shield. Kai deferred
>  until after the outcome of the first bout.  Lady Ariel and Lady Mordeyrn
>  awaited the outcome with Her Majesty under the Royal Pavilion as Count Kai and
>  Lord Logan prepared. After paying honours due, it began. From where I was
>  standing, this fight took hours. Blows were thrown, shots were blocked. Then a
>  rib shot landed, and Logan had the first fight to his credit. Count Kai then
>  chose gitana for the second round. When the two advanced upon each other,
> there
>  was much silence abounding, except for the sounds from rattan striking rattan.
>  Then came the sound of rattan against ribs. Count Kai was accredited with the
>  second round.
>  Who would win? The tension was high. The excitement barely contained. Lady
>  Ariel and Lady Mordeyrn probably forgot to breathe. The fighters returned to
>  the field with swords and shields. Duke Anton called the lay-on. The tension
>  and excitement bathed the field. Everything was quiet, (I think.) Rattan hit
>  shield. The two fighters were graceful, chivalrous, brilliant. A slight delay
>  occurred with questions of how Logan's leg armour hung to insure chivalry and
>  correct blow placement. Then, Kai threw a leg shot, but had his arm taken. He
>  then switched to his right hand, standing before Logan without a shield.
>  It was not over yet! Logan had to work hard, his advantage worked for him...
>  he took Kai's right arm. But, it was not over. One wins the Crown, it is not
>  yielded to him, thus did Kai kneel before Logan and proclaim, "I will NOT
>  yield." After conferring with the Marshalls, Logan did "kill" Count Kai with
>  a blow to the head, winning the right by his own arm to be Hier to HRM Galmr,
>  and for his lady to be Hier to HRM Katharina.
>  Lady Mordeyrn hugged Lady Ariel wishing her luck and offering support, prior
>  to Ariel being led to the field for her investiture. Afterwhich, the four
>  finalists, HRH Logan, HRH Ariel, Lady Mordeyrn and Count Kai hugged. Then
>  Their Highnesses were wisked away to the whirl of activity that will not
>  cease until They complete Their reign.
>  The only drawback to the entire event was the high population of ravenous
>  ticks, and the rampant pollen.
>  The most important event that happened this day, was that Chivalry was
>  displayed and upheld throughout the day... and this is what our dream is
>  about.

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