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Re: corset supplies

On Tue, 7 May 1996, Andrea Harrison wrote:

>>> Does anyone know where I can get boning locally, Richmond or DC?  
Iknow I can get it from Amazon Drygoods but I've lost my catalog and don't want to pay another 5 bucks for one.  OR, if someone has the catalog, can you tell me the prices and shipping cost.  I still have an order form so I don't need their address.

G Street Fabrics has the really stiff metal ones up to 14" and they can 
order the 17" ones too.  I forget exactly how much they cost, but I think 
it was in the $1-2 range.  There's a G Street in Centreville, VA and one in 
Rockville, MD (but no longer actually on G Street in DC! :-)

   Alys of Foxdale      |   Vert, on a fess between three trees
foxdale@widomaker.com   |       argent, a fox passant gules.
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