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Fellow SCAdian Down; Prayers Requested

Dear friends and noble cousins,

	I beg your kind indulgence to pass on some unhappy news.  A brother 
SCAdian, Will Linden, (whose SCA Name I blush to admit I am too upset to 
remember with clarity, so I'll hope someone will know it and post it) has 
suffered a non-fatal heart-attack up in Kew Gardens, NY, where he makes his 
home.  He is a long-time and noted East Kingdom Herald, and a dear friend; I 
know he is known to some of you, as well.  He is facing an angioplasty 
tomorrow, and prayers are being requested by his mother (who could probably 
use a few herself, at this point in time).

	Please take a moment, if you are so inclined, and beseech the deity of 
your choice on behalf of this our brother and fellow Servant to the Dream.  

	Thanks and blessings,
	Meli ferch Iasper
	Ponte Alto, Atlantia

	(Sharon Henderson
	Fairfax, VA) 

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