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Re: Viking Ship Shelters (was Re: resources?)

Lord Kendrick Wayfarer wrote (in regard to Viking longtents):

>Get three
>round closet poles about 10-12 feet long.

Wait!!  Stop!!  Don't do this for the ridge pole!  You will regret it!

The ridge pole takes the entire weight of the canvas (and whatever water may
be on it).  The ridge pole will *bend* if it is a closet pole. (Trust me.  I
had a sway-backed Viking longtent myself!  The ridgepole is now a ski-shaped

Closet poles work OK for the runners, but for the ridge pole, I recommend
using a 2x4 with the last six inches of each end sawed and chisled and
rasped into a circle to fit into the holes you drilled in the uprights and
sillboards, thusly:

------------------------A        C
                                |  detail of ridge pole and
    2X4                         |    running board end
------------------------A        C

I also recommend this for durability in the running boards.

(Detailed instructions being composed during odd moments of free time.  I'll
send them when done.)

(I'll probably also steal Kenrick's way-cool ASCII drawing of a longtent - far
better than mine!)

Tim -

Will you be at Emerald Joust?  You can see several examples there.


        - Anarra

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