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Re: Viking Ship Shelters (was Re: resources?)

> The ridge pole takes the entire weight of the canvas (and whatever water may
> be on it).  The ridge pole will *bend* if it is a closet pole. (Trust me.  I
> had a sway-backed Viking longtent myself!  The ridgepole is now a ski-shaped
> runner.)

I have an Elizabethan A-frame with a 9' long ridge pole made from a
closet pole. It is only slightly warped after a couple of years of
use. I suspect that it depends on the length (12' would have much more
bend) and whether you flip it over frequently. I'm now buliding a 10'
pole and I will make it out of 2 pieces of 2x4 so it fits in my car
more easily.

Gregory Blount

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