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Re: Dance Music

>A good starter-kit for dancing is the Rose and Nefr dance manual, 
>has reasonably easy to follow directions and also comes with a 2 tapes 
>all the music for the dances - including, I think, Strip the Willow, 
>well as the rest of the most common SCA-type dances.  It runs about 
>if I remember correctly.  I don't have the address immediately to 
>but I will go look it up and post it (unless someone else beats me to 
>In service,
My Dear Lady Alianora:

Thank you in advance for your gracious assistance.  I will await the
address you mentioned eagerly.

If we get to Scotland next summer, as we hope, perhaps I will have the
opportunity to thank you in person.  Until then, I remain,

your humble servant, 

Lyon FilsHenri, K.P.R.
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