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Re: Heraldry Submissions

At 17:31 5/29/96 -0400, James Beckett wrote:
>	I asked a while back for some heraldic device and here I am again 
>with another question.  I need to know specifics about submissions. (I 
>got more than a little delayed in filling out my forms).  I've 
>been told that for name and device submissions together the cost is $15.  
>I've also been told that I need different submission forms for each (i.e. 

This is correct.  One form with a shield shape for the device, one with the
information for your name.

>I cannot submit the two on the same sheet.)  Next, I've been told that I 
>must submit 2 color drawings and 3 line drawings of my device.  Alright, 
>here's  my question: What needs to be on the line drawing?  Currently I 
>only have my device on it without any color.  Do I need to somehow mark 
>off the colors on the device and if so how?  Also, if there's anything I 
>missing, let me know.  Thanks.
>			-James
That should be 3 color and 2 line drawings going to Golden Dolphin Herald.
You do not need to and should _not_ indicate the colors on the line drawing;
that is what the colored ones are for.  The line drawings must be as clear
as possible; they are shrunk down to approximately an inch-and-a-half by two
inches (or smaller) when they are put on the paperwork that goes out to
other Known World heralds for commentary.
Properly speaking, the device should be blazoned (described in heraldic
terms) on the submission form, but if you do not know how to blazon, don't
worry.  Some herald or other will do that.

If you had an unusual name, you would need to submit documentation for all
elements, but a good English name like James Beckett of Westmorland should
be no problem at all to document by the heralds.

If you have any other questions, m'lord, please feel free to ask, either
here at the Rose or almost any herald you run into.  

In service to Atlantia and Atlantians,
Alanna Volchevo Lesa
Pursuivant, Barony of Lochmere
Bob, Lucinda and Tabby Welenc
(410) 969-8303

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