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Greetings unto fellow Thorns of the Rose from House Volchevo Lesa!
(_Very_ nice suggestion from J. Blackbow.  Can we put this to a vote,
please, or does our good taverner, Lord Kendrick, have the last word?)

If Lord Tadhg is lurking back there in the shadows, will someone chase him
out for Lady Alanna, please?  Thank you so much.

My lord, I spoke to you at the Lochmere Lawn Party about recipes for
cordials and liqueurs.  Perhaps it is that our fair companions would like
such recipes also, posted here to the Rose.  I myself wish to obtain them
before my raspberries and blackberries become ripe and are eaten by a
famished horde of teenagers.  (Horde of famished teenagers?  Or is there a

Also, at Pennsic about two years ago I tasted an orange-chocolate liqueur
that I believe someone said was made by a Lady Elizabeth.  Does anybody know
the lady or the recipe?

Many thanks, my lord, for your gracious assistance.


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