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University Inquiry

<The door opens, a stranger enters.  He blinks several times to adjust his
eyes to the interior light.  He takes a seat in the corner and watches the
patrons for a while.  Judging them to be of noble character (and safe), the
stranger musters some courage and approaches, realizing he has left a trail
of muddy footprints on the floor.>

Pardon the intrusion m'Lords and Ladies,

     I was wondering if thou couldst share with a humble travler a tender
morsel of thy wisdom?

     I know University of Atlantia is this Saturday.  I am planning on
attending but I have a rather important question.  *Does one attend this
event in garb?*
     I have not seen a course schedule posted anywhere.   But judging from
#39's schedule from Dec. 1995 there is a wealth of information available.
 Does anyone know if there are classes for developing a persona and choosing
a name?  If so, are they worth taking?  I have only recently become involved
with the SCA and am finding it difficult to develop a personna (name, place,
time, etc.).  If I may ask without prying too deeply, how did your personnas

     Thank you, m'Lords and Ladies.  Your attention is much too kind and most
appreciated.   I shall await thy response with the same patience thou hast
shown me.

still mka,

<The stranger returns to his seat.  "There," he says to himself, "they're not
nearly as scarry as they look. [ ;) ]   Mabey I'll stay here awhile . . .
 just 'till dinner.">
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