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Re: Merry Rose Denizens

David H Ritterskamp wrote:

> So...the Merry Thorns.

I *like* it! :-)

> Next time ask me an easy question, like "what's the weight of the world?"

Zero; it's in free fall.  :-)

|John (Francis) Stracke        | http://www.io.com/~francis | PGP key on Web|
|francis@tigana.microserve.com |============================================|
|Power Mac w/PPP               | My strength is as the strength of ten      |
|My Mac, my opinions.          |   because my code is pure.                 |
  Francois Thibault          AFP of PA!       Shire of the Blak Rose (East)
  Argent, a cock gules, and, on a chief sable, three standing stones argent
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