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Re: wordplay, was Re: Cordials/liqueurs

Dave Montuori wrote:
> Alanna Volchevo Lesa writes:
> > I myself wish to obtain [recipes for berry cordials & liqueurs]
> > before my raspberries and blackberries become ripe and are eaten by a
> > famished horde of teenagers.  (Horde of famished teenagers?  Or is there a
> > difference?)
> There is no difference. Also, isn't the phrase a bit redundant? ;->

Mmm, I would say there may be a difference: a famished horde of teenagers is a 
horde of teenagers that have been famished *as a horde*, as opposed to a horde 
of famished teenagers, which is a horde of teenagers that mayh have been 
famished separately.  The important point is that, if they're all famishing 
together, they may turn on the ready protein source, to wit, each other... 
insert snide comment here.  ;-)

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