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Fair Lady Atlantia and standing

Greetings good people,

I hope those of you who went to Emerald Joust are warm, and mud-free.

As those of you who went to EJ may know, Lord Efen Wolfwhistle, the Royal Bard, 
held bardic circles both Saturday and Sunday nights at Windmaster's Hill's camp. 
 Efen holds Bardic circles as often as he can and encourages everyone to sing or 
tell stories, but after one round of pick, pass, or play the bardics all but 
turn into Efen concerts.  Efen tries to discourage this from happening for all 
of the best reasons, but so many people want to hear him sing his songs (he 
being so damn talented).

Well Sunday's bardic was no different.  There was a good number of songs and 
stories but it had started to be 'Efen sing this' and  'Efen sing that'.  Well 
it was during one of these times that someone requested "Fair Lady Atlantia"  
while Efen was re-tuning his gitar, people started to talk about how popular the 
song had become.  One person said it had become the kingdom's defacto anthem.  
At that point my lady wife, Elspeth said "maybe we should stand for it."  So 
while Efen continued to tune we spread the word to stand for the song.  As Efen 
sang the first line we jumped to our feet.  Efen was stunned and I won't write
the choice words he had for us.  But wait there's more; for the 2 of you who have 
not heard the song, the first 3 words are "Here I stand...".  Most of us had 
forgotten this, so that made the joke doublely funny.

When Handel's "Messiah" was being performed for the first time for the Royal 
Court, the King stood at the "King of Kings..." part to show reverence for 
Jesus.  Now when ever the "Messiah" is played it is traditional for the audience 
to stand at that same part.

In that moment's joke on Efen a tradition was born.  Some of us in Windmaster's 
Hill have decided, in the same spirit, we would stand for the first line of 
"Fair Lady Atlantia".  This is not in reverence to Efen, in fact the words Efen 
and reverence should not be used in the same sentence, but in honor for 
Atlantia, and Efen talent, and because it's fun.  We are encouraging others to 
do likewise.

Farewell for now, see you at University

Until later, however mud-bespeckled, I remain in service to the crown.

Eoghan mac Ailpein, Proto-Highlander Mid-800            
Elvegast, Windmaster's Hill, Atlantia       
mka  Gene Bonar	 grb@fns.com  9191 772 1112 
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