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Re: Not-so-serious reply for the fighter types out there

>Ummm, I'll volunteer my place!!!
>It's even got a nice hill to build an imposing keep that would look down
>over I-68; keeping a watchful eye over Atlantians on their way to
>and from Pennsic.
>(Of course, the East might start getting a little uneasy when we
>start putting massive fortifications less than a mile from the
>border... ;) 

You wouldn't get any complaints from Sylvan Glen...

>..All you have to do is provide the labor. (just a minor detail)
>I've got enough stone to build an edifice that would dwarf
>Warwick and Windsor Castles combined!
>(Alternatively, if anyone wants to build a castle elsewhere,
>I'll donate the stone to the effort for free.  All of it.  Please.)

Not too far from where your talking about is a semi-real castle, Berkeley 
Castle, which is near Berkely Springs, WV, the sister city to Bath, England.  
The castle was built in the early part of this century by some rich guy trying 
to impress his wife.

Actually, there is a guy in our shire who lives way out in the mountains of 
West Virginia who is talking about building a village for the Civil War folks, 
as well as a village for the medieval folks.

You wouldn't happen to be that same guy, would you?

          Brett W. McCoy                "Unix was never designed to keep
         Istvan Dragosani                people from doing stupid things,
          istvan@gnn.com                 because that policy would also keep
 Disciple of the Eastern Mysteries       them  from doing clever things."
        of both Love and War                    -- Doug Gwyn

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