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Re: courtesy and respect - random thoughts

Poster: Michael Surbrook <susano@access.digex.net>

On Mon, 1 Jul 1996, many waters cannot quench love wrote:

> unto the merry rose, from melys, greetings!
> i have an open question (or several) for the populace: do you feel that a
> hypothetical royal such-and-such deserves more courtesy than a
> hypothetical lord so-and-so? more respect? (if so, why?)  how do you
> define the difference between courtesy and respect?

I would have to say that everyone should be treated with an equal amount
of courtesy, *regardless* of position.  A crown or coronet does not
automatically make anyone a 'better' or more 'worthy' person.  On the
other hand, those with crowns and coronets should be given the respect due
their station.  

One thing that disturbed me was posts where people seemed
to be falling over themselves apologizing to his Highness Logan, merely
because he was the Prince.  It should not be considered wrong to disagree
with anyone, his Highness included, especially on such an open forum as
this.  But!  Any disagreement should be handled as if one was speaking
face to face to that person.  Letting the 'facelessness' of e-mail allow
for rudeness, regardless of who one is speaking too, is unacceptable.

As to the difference between courtesy and respect, that's something that I
find hard to put into words... Courtesy, I think, is expressed in actions.
Respect is more a measure of attitude and demenor.

Michael Limner, esq

* "'Cause I'm the god of destruction, that's why!" - Susano Orbatos,Orion * 
*               Michael Surbrook / susano@access.digex.net                * 
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