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Re: Koumiss

Poster: "Chuck Graves" <chuck_graves@mail.hq.faa.gov>

Greetings, all.

>Now, why would you want to ask those of us near and dear to you to drink 
>something that, by all descriptions I've heard, tastes like lighter 
Now, now...I'd always heard it referred to as "electric milk". (Of course, 
that's when it's done right.)

I have tried it a couple of times (using cow's milk) and found it is rather 
interesting when consumed at the optimal time. My observation is that the 
window of opportunity for consumption is about 2 hours long...but that 
probably says more about cow's milk than the drink in general. I look forward 
to the chance to see how Corun's friend fares.

I'm tempted to try goat's milk in the meantime...but I won't force it on 

(noone complained about my other milk concoctions)

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